What to do if your Bearded Dragon Lays Eggs?
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What to do if your Bearded Dragon Lays Eggs?

Bearded dragons are popular pets because of their calm demeanor and distinctive look. However, like with any animal, they may provide difficulties for their owners. One of the most unexpected issues that bearded dragon owners may confront is when their pet lays eggs unexpectedly. While this may appear to be a problematic scenario, there are actions you can do to safeguard your bearded dragon’s and her eggs’ health and safety. We’ll go over what to do if your bearded dragon produces eggs and how to care for both your pet and her progeny in this post.

Understanding Bearded Dragons’ Reproduction

Before we get into what to do if your bearded dragon lays eggs, it’s crucial to understand how they reproduce. Bearded dragons lay eggs, which means they are oviparous. They do not give birth to live offspring, unlike mammals. Female bearded dragons can lay eggs even if they haven’t mated with males. These infertile eggs will not hatch.

If a female bearded dragon has mated with a male, her eggs may be viable. In this situation, you’ll need to take extra precautions to ensure that the eggs are adequately incubated and have the highest chance of hatching. Bearded dragon eggs hatch in 50 to 70 days on average.

Related: Metabolic Bone Disease in Bearded Dragons

What to do if your Bearded Dragon lays eggs?

If your bearded dragon lays eggs, the first thing you must do is provide her with secure and comfortable surroundings. This entails providing her with a sufficient enclosure with plenty of hiding locations and climbing chances. You should also ensure that the temperature and humidity conditions in her enclosure are suitable. Bearded dragons require a basking area with temperatures ranging from 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as a colder habitat with temperatures ranging from 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

When your bearded dragon’s eggs hatch, you must gently remove them from her container. The eggs must be handled with care since they are fragile and easily destroyed. You should also mark the top of each egg with a pencil so you know which end is up.

The next step is to set up an incubator for the eggs. You may buy a reptile egg incubator, or you can create your own with a plastic container with a cover, a substrate like vermiculite, and a hygrometer to check humidity levels. With a humidity level of 80 to 90 percent, the substrate should be damp but not wet.

Place the eggs in the incubator, making sure they are upright. You should also keep a careful eye on the temperature and humidity levels to ensure that they stay within the right range. Place the incubator somewhere warm and quiet, away from draughts and direct sunshine.

Caring for Bearded Dragon Hatchlings

When the eggs hatch, gently take the hatchlings from the incubator and place them in an appropriate cage. Make sure they have adequate heat and lighting, as well as hiding places and climbing chances. You should also provide them with an appropriate diet of tiny insects such as crickets or mealworms, as well as fresh greens and vegetables.

It’s critical to remember that not all of the eggs will hatch, and not all of the hatchlings will survive. Some people are born with birth abnormalities or have health conditions that make it difficult for them to flourish. If you detect any hatchlings that are not flourishing or appear to be ill, get veterinarian assistance as soon as possible.

How long do Bearded Dragons stay in eggs?

Bearded dragon eggs hatch in 50 to 70 days on average. Temperature and humidity conditions, for example, can influence the actual incubation duration. During this period, it’s critical to carefully monitor the eggs and keep them within the proper temperature and humidity range to offer them the best chance of hatching successfully. Once the eggs hatch, you must offer proper care for the hatchlings for them to flourish.

Where should I put my Bearded Dragon if she wants to lay eggs?

If your female bearded dragon is getting ready to lay eggs, you should provide her with an appropriate nesting location. This will help her lay her eggs safely and comfortably. Fill a plastic container with a substrate like play sand or a combination of soil and sand to make a nesting box. The substrate should be damp but not wet, and at least six inches deep.

Place the nesting box in a calm and isolated spot in your bearded dragon’s habitat. You should also give her lots of hiding places and climbing chances, as well as adequate heat and illumination.

It’s critical to keep an eye on your bearded dragon at this time since producing eggs may be a difficult procedure that strains her health. If you observe any symptoms of distress or if she appears to be having trouble laying her eggs, you should seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

Do Bearded Dragons lay infertile eggs?

Female bearded dragons can, in fact, deposit sterile eggs. Unlike many other reptiles, bearded dragons may lay eggs without a male partner. These eggs, however, will not be fertilized and so will not develop into viable progeny. Female bearded dragons frequently lay sterile eggs, especially if they have not mated with a male.

Female bearded dragons may lay sterile eggs even after mating with a male in some situations. This can occur if the male is not sexually mature or if other circumstances inhibit effective fertilization.

If your female bearded dragon lays infertile eggs, it’s critical to care for her during the egg-laying process and to remove the eggs from her habitat once she’s completed. This will keep the eggs from decaying and producing problems for your bearded dragon.

Can I hold my Bearded Dragon after she lays eggs?

After your bearded dragon has laid eggs, it is critical that she rest and heal before being handled again. The egg-laying process can be stressful for bearded dragons, and they may require rest.

It is normally advised to wait at least a week or two after your bearded dragon has deposited eggs before touching her. During this period, you should offer her a peaceful and comfortable environment, as well as food, drink, and sufficient heat and lighting.

You can gradually resume handling your bearded dragon when she has had some time to rest and heal. However, it’s critical to be patient and avoid placing pressure on her abdomen or tail, which may remain sensitive after egg-laying.

When touching your bearded dragon, if you observe any symptoms of discomfort or distress, you should pause and give her extra time to recuperate before attempting again.

Can you feel eggs in a Bearded Dragon?

It might be difficult to detect eggs in a bearded dragon, especially if you are unfamiliar with reptiles. There is, however, some evidence that a female bearded dragon is carrying eggs.

A bloated or distended abdomen is one of the most prevalent symptoms. The eggs might cause the female’s belly to expand and feel solid to the touch as they mature within her body. However, other conditions, like overfeeding or obesity, can also result in an expanded abdomen in bearded dragons.

Individual eggs may be felt inside the belly of a female bearded dragon in some situations. However, only an experienced reptile keeper or veterinarian should do this, as poor handling can cause harm or discomfort to the animal.

If you believe your bearded dragon is carrying eggs, supply her with an appropriate nesting environment and constantly observe her for symptoms of egg-laying. If you have any worries or detect any symptoms of suffering or discomfort, it is critical that you seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

How soon do Female Bearded Dragons lay eggs?

The age, health, and reproductive condition of female bearded dragons all influence egg-laying time. Female bearded dragons achieve sexual maturity between the ages of 8 and 18 months, however, this varies per individual.

Once a female bearded dragon achieves sexual maturity, she may begin laying eggs on a regular basis, with clutches lasting several weeks to many months. However, temperature, food, and overall health can all have an impact on egg-laying.

Female bearded dragons may also demonstrate pre-egg-laying behaviors such as digging, restlessness, and lack of appetite in some situations. These behaviors may indicate that the female is getting ready to deposit eggs and may need a suitable nesting environment.

If you feel your female bearded dragon is getting ready to produce eggs, it’s critical to give proper care and monitoring during this period. This can assist guarantee that the female can lay her eggs securely and comfortably, avoiding difficulties like egg binding or other health issues.

How do I know if my Bearded Dragon is pregnant?

Bearded dragons do not get pregnant in the classic sense because they lay eggs instead of carrying growing embryos inside their bodies. However, there are some indications that a female bearded dragon is laying eggs.

A bloated or distended abdomen is one of the most prevalent symptoms of egg production. The eggs might cause the female’s belly to expand and feel solid to the touch as they mature within her body. However, other conditions, like overfeeding or obesity, can also result in an expanded abdomen in bearded dragons.

A change in behavior, such as increased digging or scratching at the substrate in the enclosure, is another marker of egg production. This might mean the female is looking for a good nesting spot to lay her eggs.

If you believe your bearded dragon is laying eggs, supply her with an appropriate nesting environment and keep a careful eye on her for symptoms of egg-laying. You should also get assistance from a veterinarian or expert reptile keeper on how to care for your bearded dragon during this period.


Finally, bearded dragons are intriguing reptiles that need adequate care and attention to thrive. Understanding bearded dragon reproductive behavior, including egg-laying and nesting, is one of the most crucial components of caring for them.

If you own a female bearded dragon, you must be aware of the indicators of egg production and offer enough care and monitoring throughout this period. This may entail creating a suitable nesting environment, watching the female for symptoms of pain or discomfort, and, if required, consulting with a physician or professional reptile keeper.

Furthermore, it is critical to ensure that your bearded dragon is kept in an appropriate habitat that suits its physical and behavioral demands. This may include proper lighting, temperature, and humidity, as well as diverse and healthy food.

You can help guarantee that your bearded dragon is healthy, happy, and thriving for years to come by taking the time to learn and care for it.

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