The Oldest Bearded Dragon ( Plus Expected Lifespan )
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The Oldest Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are captivating reptiles, celebrated as beloved pets for their tranquil disposition and unique appearance. These remarkable creatures are renowned for their extended lifespans, often exceeding a decade in captivity. Nonetheless, there are instances of bearded dragons achieving even more remarkable lifespans, and in this article, we’ll delve into the topic of ‘The Oldest Bearded Dragon,’ exploring the factors that contribute to their remarkable longevity.

What is a Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons are a kind of lizard endemic to Australia. They are distinguished by their look, which includes a spiky “beard” of skin under their chin. One of the reasons bearded dragons are so popular as pets is that they are reasonably easy to care for. They are also noted for being gentle and kind, making them an ideal choice for families with children.

Related: Parasites in Bearded Dragons

The Average Lifespan of a Bearded Dragon

A bearded dragon’s usual lifetime is 8 to 12 years, however, some individuals have been known to live longer. Diet, habitat, and genetics are all factors that can influence a bearded dragon’s longevity.

It is crucial to remember, however, that the lifespan of a bearded dragon varies widely depending on the individual. Some bearded dragons may have health problems that shorten their lives, however, others may have longer lives owing to adequate care and nourishment.

The Oldest Bearded Dragon

Sebastian, a male bearded dragon that lived to be 18 years old, is the oldest documented bearded dragon. Sebastian was born in 1992 and was owned by a woman from Florida named Terry Wilkins.

Sebastian’s long life may be ascribed to a number of things, including good feeding, a clean habitat, and routine veterinarian treatment. Terry also made sure Sebastian had lots of opportunities for exercise and cerebral stimulation, which helped him be healthy and happy throughout his life.

Expected Lifespan of Bearded Dragons

While a bearded dragon’s usual lifetime is 8 to 12 years, there are a few things you can do to assist guarantee that your bearded dragon has a long and healthy life. Proper feeding is one of the most crucial aspects of a bearded dragon’s life. Bearded dragons are omnivores that require a varied diet that includes both insects and vegetables.

You should also feed your bearded dragon a variety of foods to ensure that they get all of the vital nutrients. A clean and well-maintained habitat is also vital for the longevity of a bearded dragon. Bearded dragons require a special habitat that must be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid the growth of germs and other hazardous elements.

Regular veterinarian treatment is also essential for safeguarding your bearded dragon’s health and longevity. You should take your bearded dragon to the vet on a regular basis, as well if you observe any indications of disease or injury.

Types of Bearded Dragons with Their Life Expectancy

Bearded dragons are a popular type of lizard recognized for their distinct look and docility. There are various different varieties of bearded dragons, each having its own particular features and life expectancy, which are as follows:

  • Inland Bearded Dragon – 10-12 years

The Inland Bearded Dragon is one of the most often maintained bearded dragons as pets. They have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. Some Inland Bearded Dragons have been reported to live up to 20 years if properly cared for. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a varied diet of insects and vegetables.

  • Eastern Bearded Dragon – 12-14 years

Eastern and southeastern Australia are home to the Eastern Bearded Dragon. They have an average life expectancy of 12-14 years, however some have been known to survive up to 20 years with good care. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a varied diet of insects and vegetables.

  • Dwarf Bearded Dragon – 8-10 years

The Dwarf Bearded Dragon is a bearded dragon species native to Western Australia. They have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

  • Rankin’s Bearded Dragon – 8-10 years

Rankin’s Bearded Dragon is a tiny species of bearded dragon native to Australia’s arid areas. They have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

  • Coastal Bearded Dragon – 10-12 years

The Coastal Bearded Dragon is a bearded dragon species found to the coasts of eastern and southeastern Australia. They have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

  • Pogona Minor – 8-10 years

Pogona Minor is a lesser species of Western Australian bearded dragon. They have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

  • Nullarbor Bearded Dragon – 10-12 years

The Nullarbor Bearded Dragon is a species of bearded dragon endemic to South and Western Australia’s arid areas. They have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

  • Western Bearded Dragon – 10-12 years

The Western Bearded Dragon is a species of bearded dragon found in Western Australia’s desert areas. They have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

  • Kimberley Bearded Dragon – 10-12 years

The Kimberley Bearded Dragon is a species of bearded dragon native to Western Australia’s Kimberley area. They have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

  • Black Soil Bearded Dragon – 8-10 years

The Black Soil Bearded Dragon is a bearded dragon species endemic to Australia’s black-soil areas of Queensland and New South Wales. They have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years. These lizards require a large cage with adequate warmth and lighting, as well as a diet rich in insects and vegetables.

A bearded dragon’s life expectancy is determined by a variety of factors including nutrition, habitat, genetics, and general care. You can help guarantee that your bearded dragon has a long and healthy life by providing correct nourishment, lighting, temperature, and a clean living environment.


In conclusion, bearded dragons are intriguing creatures with a rather lengthy existence. While the normal lifetime is 8 to 12 years, with proper care and nourishment, some bearded dragons may live considerably longer. Sebastian, the oldest documented bearded dragon, survived to be 18 years old, demonstrating the necessity of giving your bearded dragon with correct care and habitat. You can help your bearded dragon live a long and healthy life by following these instructions.

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