Coccidia in Bearded Dragons
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Coccidia in Bearded Dragons

As a reptile owner, you should be informed of the possible health difficulties that your pet may face. Coccidia is a prevalent health condition that affects bearded dragons. Coccidia is a parasite that can cause gastrointestinal troubles as well as other health concerns in bearded dragons. This page will explain what coccidia is, how it affects bearded dragons, and how to avoid and treat it.

What is Coccidia in Bearded Dragons?

Coccidia is a single-celled parasite that may infect a variety of species, including bearded dragons. There are several coccidia species, each of which can induce a unique set of symptoms in affected animals. Isospora amphiboluri is the most frequent coccidia species in bearded dragons.

Related: Respiratory Parasites in Bearded Dragons

How do Bearded Dragons get Coccidia?

Coccidia may infect bearded dragons in a variety of ways. One of the most prevalent methods is fecal-oral transfer. This happens when an infected bearded dragon excretes coccidia oocysts (eggs). Other bearded dragons can become sick if they consume contaminated feces, either via consuming contaminated food or water or through direct contact with the feces.

Coccidia can also be transmitted to bearded dragons by contaminated food or water. Bearded dragons can become sick by swallowing contaminated food or water contaminated with coccidia oocysts.

Coccidia can also be contracted by bearded dragons through insects or other animals that carry the parasite. If a bearded dragon consumes an infected cricket or other bugs, it may get infected with coccidia.

It is crucial to remember that coccidia can remain in the surroundings of a bearded dragon for extended periods of time, even after the affected animal has died. This is due to the fact that coccidia oocysts may persist in the environment for long periods of time and remain infectious even after the feces have been removed.

Symptoms of Coccidia in Bearded Dragons

Coccidia is a parasite illness that bearded dragons can get. Coccidia symptoms in bearded dragons might vary depending on the severity of the infection. Some common coccidia symptoms in bearded dragons include:

  • Diarrhea: Bearded dragons with coccidia may experience diarrhea, which can range from mild to severe. Diarrhea may be watery or contain mucus or blood.
  • Weight loss: Coccidia can cause bearded dragons to lose weight, even if they are eating regularly. This can be a sign that the infection is affecting their ability to absorb nutrients from their food.
  • Lethargy: Bearded dragons with coccidia may become lethargic and less active than usual. They may spend more time sleeping or lying down and may show less interest in their surroundings.
  • Loss of appetite: Coccidia can also cause bearded dragons to lose their appetite. They may refuse to eat or drink, which can lead to further weight loss and dehydration.
  • Dehydration: Bearded dragons with coccidia may become dehydrated due to diarrhea or a lack of water intake. This can lead to further health complications if left untreated.

Coccidia can cause damage to a bearded dragon’s digestive lining in severe cases, leading to more significant health problems. Anaemia, septicemia, and even mortality are all possibilities.

If you feel your bearded dragon has coccidia, you should take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian can run tests to confirm the diagnosis and provide treatment options, which may include medication and supportive care.

Treatment of Coccidia in Bearded Dragons

Coccidia treatment in bearded dragons is often a combination of medicine and supportive care. The particular treatment approach will be determined by the severity of the infection as well as the bearded dragon’s general health.

  • Medication: Sulfadimethoxine, an antibiotic that is effective against the parasite, is the most often used treatment to treat coccidia in bearded dragons. A veterinarian determines the amount and length of therapy, which is usually given orally for many weeks.
  • Supportive care: Supportive care, in addition to medicine, can aid in the recovery of bearded dragons from coccidia. This may involve giving water to prevent dehydration, keeping the cage clean and comfortable, and feeding a balanced meal to guarantee good nourishment.
  • Quarantine: To avoid the spread of the virus, bearded dragons infected with coccidia should be confined from other reptiles. The quarantine phase may extend many weeks to verify that the parasite is no longer secreted by the bearded dragon.
  • Regular checkups: Bearded dragons should be evaluated by a veterinarian on a regular basis after therapy to confirm that the infection has been completely cured and to watch for symptoms of relapse.

It should be noted that coccidia can be difficult to completely remove from an area, therefore prevention is essential. Cleaning and sanitizing the cage as well as the food and water dishes on a regular basis will help prevent the parasite from spreading. Feeding professionally bred insects rather than wild-caught insects can also help avoid the spread of coccidia and other parasites.

Prevention of Coccidia in Bearded Dragons

Preventing coccidia in bearded dragons is key to keeping them healthy. Here are some steps you can take to prevent coccidia in your bearded dragon:

  • Keep the enclosure clean: Regularly cleaning the enclosure, removing feces and uneaten food, and disinfecting surfaces can help prevent the buildup of parasites and bacteria.
  • Quarantine new bearded dragons: If you are introducing a new bearded dragon to your collection, keep them quarantined for a few weeks to ensure they are not carrying any parasites or illnesses.
  • Use commercial feeders: Feeding your bearded dragon commercially bred insects instead of wild-caught insects can help reduce the risk of coccidia and other parasites.
  • Provide clean water: Make sure your bearded dragon has access to clean, fresh water at all times. Change the water daily and clean the water dish regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria.
  • Avoid overcrowding: Overcrowding can lead to stress and a weakened immune system, which can make bearded dragons more susceptible to infections like coccidia. Make sure your enclosure is the appropriate size for your bearded dragon and avoid keeping too many bearded dragons in the same enclosure.
  • Regular checkups: Take your bearded dragon to a veterinarian regularly for checkups to ensure they are healthy and to catch any potential health issues early.

Types of Coccidia that Infect Bearded Dragons

There are several types of coccidia that can infect bearded dragons, including:

  • Isospora amphiboluri: This is the most common type of coccidia found in bearded dragons. It can cause diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration in infected animals.
  • Isospora Vitti: This type of coccidia is less common in bearded dragons but can still cause illness. It can cause diarrhea, lethargy, and a lack of appetite.
  • Eimeria species: There are several species of Eimeria coccidia that can infect bearded dragons. They can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration.
  • Cryptosporidium Serpentis: This is a type of coccidia that can infect snakes and lizards, including bearded dragons. It can cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss.


Coccidia is a common parasite that can infect bearded dragons and cause a variety of health problems. Bearded dragon owners should be aware of the symptoms of coccidia, which can include diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy, and seek veterinary care if their pet is unwell.

Coccidia treatment generally consists of medicine and supportive care, such as fluids and electrolytes, to aid the bearded dragon’s recovery. However, prevention is essential for keeping bearded dragons healthy and coccidia-free. Bearded dragon owners may help prevent coccidia and other diseases by keeping their habitat clean, quarantining new animals, providing clean water, and avoiding overcrowding.

It’s also worth noting that frequent veterinarian examinations can aid in the early detection of coccidia and other health conditions, allowing for faster treatment and better outcomes. Bearded dragons may have long, robust lives free of coccidia with adequate care and attention.

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