Can Bearded Dragons Live with Turtles?
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Can Bearded Dragons Live with Turtles?

Turtles and bearded dragons are also popular reptile pets. Many individuals question if these two species can coexist. While mixing various reptilian species may appear to be a good idea, it is crucial to remember that not all reptiles can cohabit happily. In this post, we’ll look at whether bearded dragons and turtles can coexist and what you should think about before attempting to keep them together.

Can Bearded Dragons live with Turtles?

Turtles are aquatic reptiles, but bearded dragons are terrestrial reptiles. This implies that their native environments are distinct. Turtles require an aquatic habitat, but bearded dragons demand a dry and heated climate. As a result, bearded dragons and turtles cannot coexist in the same cage.

If you keep them in the same enclosure, your bearded dragon will have to compete for resources such as food, water, and basking sites. Bearded dragons are territorial creatures that can turn hostile against turtles. Turtles can also contain germs that are toxic to bearded dragons.

Both bearded dragons and turtles can become stressed when housed together. Stress can cause sickness or even death. As a result, keeping bearded dragons and turtles together is not advised.

Related: Can Bearded Dragons Live with Snakes?

What Should You Consider Before Housing Bearded Dragons and Turtles Together?

If you are considering housing bearded dragons and turtles together, it’s important to consider several factors.

Habitat Requirements

If you want to keep bearded dragons and turtles together, you need to know that they have different environmental requirements. Bearded dragons are terrestrial reptiles, which means they need a dry, warm environment with basking places to keep their body temperature stable. Turtles, on the other hand, are aquatic reptiles that require access to water as well as a basking place for drying off and thermoregulation.

In the same enclosure, it is not possible to produce an appropriate habitat for both species. Attempting to do so can lead to conflict and tension, which can be harmful to both animals’ health and well-being. Bearded dragons and turtles require different settings to thrive, thus they must each have their own proper home.

A 40-gallon tank is recommended for one adult bearded dragon, and the enclosure should have a basking area with a temperature range of 95-105°F, a cooling region with a temperature range of 75-85°F, and a hiding space. The habitat should be lined with a cleanable substrate, such as reptile carpet or paper towels.

The size of the cage for turtles will vary depending on the species. Aquatic turtles require at least four times the length of their shell in water and a basking area with a temperature range of 85-90°F. Semi-aquatic turtles require a basking place as well but may dwell in smaller bodies of water. The habitat should be lined with a turtle-safe substrate that is easy to clean, such as aquarium gravel or river rocks.

It is critical to provide adequate illumination for both bearded dragons and turtles. Bearded dragons require UVB illumination to aid in the production of vitamin D3, which is required for calcium absorption. For the same reason, turtles require UVB illumination. A UVB lamp that covers at least two-thirds of the cage is suggested.

In conclusion, bearded dragons and turtles have different ecological requirements, and housing them together can cause stress, conflict, and poor health implications. It is critical to give each animal the appropriate environment to ensure its well-being. Before keeping any reptiles together, properly investigate their specific needs and check with a veterinarian or an experienced reptile keeper.


Another thing to think about before putting bearded dragons and turtles together is their food. Bearded dragons and turtles have distinct dietary requirements, and giving them improper food might result in health issues and even death.

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they consume both plant and animal foods. Their food should be 70% vegetables and fruits and 30% insects like crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. To ensure that the bearded dragon has a healthy diet, the vegetables, and fruits should be sliced into small pieces and mixed with the insects.

Turtles, on the other hand, are either omnivores or herbivores, depending on the species. Aquatic turtles are mostly herbivores, therefore their diet should include leafy greens like kale, collard greens, and dandelion greens, as well as vegetables like carrots, squash, and green beans. As a reward, they can be given little amounts of fruit. Semi-aquatic turtles are omnivores, meaning they eat both animal and plant-based meals, such as insects, tiny fish, and meat like cooked chicken or beef.

It is critical to provide a balanced meal that fits the nutritional needs of bearded dragons and turtles. A balanced diet with a variety of vegetables, fruits, and protein sources is critical for their health and well-being. It’s also critical to avoid giving them harmful items, such as avocados for bearded dragons and rhubarb for turtles.

In conclusion, bearded dragons and turtles have varied dietary demands, and it is critical to offer them a balanced food that matches their specific requirements. Attempting to give them the same food might result in health issues, so it’s critical to properly investigate their nutritional requirements and consult with a veterinarian or an expert reptile keeper.


It is critical to evaluate the temperament of bearded dragons and turtles before keeping them together. Bearded dragons and turtles have distinct personalities and behaviors, and mixing them can cause tension, hostility, and even harm.

Bearded dragons are gregarious creatures who like being touched and interacted with by their owners. They can, however, become territorial and hostile against other bearded dragons or even other species. When a bearded dragon views another animal as a threat, it may react aggressively by biting, hissing, and puffing up its body.

Turtles, on the other hand, are solitary creatures who want to be left alone. When they feel endangered or their area is violated, they can become anxious and aggressive. Turtles have strong claws and a powerful bite that may harm other creatures.

When bearded dragons and turtles come into contact with one another, they can cause conflict, tension, and harm. It is critical to give each animal its appropriate environment rather than forcing them to share an enclosure. If you wish to keep many bearded dragons or turtles together, you must first learn about their social dynamics and then introduce them gradually and under supervision.

To summarise, bearded dragons and turtles have distinct personalities and behaviors, and housing them together can result in tension, conflict, and harm. It is critical to give each animal its appropriate environment rather than forcing them to share an enclosure. If you wish to keep many animals together, you must first learn about their social dynamics and then introduce them gradually and under observation.


It is essential to evaluate the danger of illnesses that can harm both bearded dragons and turtles before keeping them together. The danger of disease transmission increases when bearded dragons and turtles share the same environment, and some infections can be lethal to both bearded dragons and turtles.

Metabolic bone disease (MBD) is one of the most frequent disorders that affect bearded dragons. MBD is caused by a diet deficient in calcium and vitamin D3 and can result in damaged bones, muscular spasms, and even death. Turtles can get MBD if they do not get enough calcium and vitamin D3.

Salmonella infection is another condition that may harm both bearded dragons and turtles. Salmonella is a bacterial illness spread by feces, and both species may carry and transmit the germs. Salmonella infection can cause diarrhea, fever, and stomach pains, and it is most harmful to young children, the elderly, and people with impaired immune systems.

Respiratory ailments, skin infections, and parasites such as mites and ticks can also harm bearded dragons and turtles. Poor hygiene, low diet, and stress can all contribute to the spread of these disorders.

To prevent disease transmission, maintain the environment clean and sanitized regularly, supply each animal with its own food and water dishes, and discourage contact between different species. It is also essential to handle bearded dragons and turtles with care and to properly wash your hands afterward.

To summarise, having bearded dragons and turtles together can increase the danger of disease transmission, therefore it is critical to take care to avoid disease transmission. Maintaining excellent hygiene and avoiding contact between different species can all help limit the likelihood of disease transmission. If you feel your bearded dragon or turtle is sick, get veterinarian care right away.

Should I get a Bearded Dragon or a Turtle?

The decision between a bearded dragon and a turtle as a pet is influenced by your personal choices, lifestyle, and previous experience with reptiles. Both species demand adequate care and attention, and it’s critical to do your homework before making a pick.

Because of their affable and gregarious demeanor, bearded dragons are popular pets. They like being touched and interacted with by their owners, and they may be taught to do tricks. Bearded dragons are omnivores that must eat a variety of insects, vegetables, and fruits. They require a large enclosure with enough lighting and warmth, as well as routine cleaning and maintenance.

Turtles, on the other hand, like to be left alone and are less gregarious than bearded dragons. They are interesting to see, and some species may survive for decades. Turtles are herbivores or omnivores, and they require a balanced diet of plants, fruits, and protein sources like insects or commercial turtle food. They require an aquatic or semi-aquatic environment that includes a basking area and a UVB light source.

Consider your lifestyle and the amount of time you can devote to caring for a pet when picking between a bearded dragon and a turtle. Bearded dragons demand constant engagement and care, whereas turtles may get by with only occasional touching and feeding. Both species may survive for many years and require adequate care and maintenance at all times.

It’s also crucial to think about the upfront and continuing expenditures of having a pet. Bearded dragons and turtles require particular habitats, heating, and lighting, as well as food and veterinary care. Before making a selection, consider the expenses of providing good care for each species.

Finally, the decision between a bearded dragon and a turtle as a pet is influenced by your own choices, lifestyle, and previous experience with reptiles. Both species demand adequate care and attention, and it is essential to investigate their requirements as well as the associated expenditures before making a decision.


Finally, because of differences in their habitat requirements, nutrition, temperament, and the danger of disease transmission, raising bearded dragons and turtles together is typically not suggested. Bearded dragons prefer a dry, warm climate, whereas turtles require an aquatic or semi-aquatic environment. Bearded dragons and turtles have varied food requirements, with bearded dragons being omnivores and turtles being herbivores or omnivores.

Bearded dragons are gregarious and love interactions with their owners, whereas turtles are less social and prefer to be left alone. Furthermore, mixing different species in the same enclosure might raise the danger of disease transmission, and both bearded dragons and turtles are susceptible to a variety of ailments, including metabolic bone disease and salmonella infection.

Consider your interests, lifestyle, and previous experience with reptiles when deciding between a bearded dragon and a turtle as a pet. Both species require adequate care and attention, and it is critical to know their requirements as well as the expenditures associated with providing good care.

In the end, owning a bearded dragon or a turtle should be founded on a comprehensive awareness of their specific needs and the capacity to give proper care. Bearded dragons and turtles may both make fantastic pets and bring years of happiness to their owners with appropriate care and attention.

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