Can Bearded Dragons eat Japanese Beetles?
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Can Bearded Dragons eat Japanese Beetles?

An ideal and balance diet for the bearded dragons should contain live feeder insects as they are a valuable source of calcium, protein and many other vital nutrients. “Can Bearded Dragons eat Japanese Beetles?” When given a varied and balance diet based on the nutritional needs of bearded dragons, they stay thrive and healthy. Bearded Dragons are omnivorous, it means that this pet can eat both animals and plants. Also in the wild, the beardies eat many insects.

Japanese beetles are found in many yards and garden, and many pet owners wonder if their pet Bearded Dragons can eat them or not. Yes, the Bearded Dragons can eat Japanese Beetles, but a few things that you should keep in mind. Japanese Beetles are not much nutritious as many other insects, so serve this to your pet only as a treat.

Benefits and harms of bearded dragons

The beetles provide protein and some other nutrients to the bearded dragon. The nutrients and protein are beneficial for the growth of bearded dragons. In general, Japanese beetles are not too much harmful for Bearded Dragons, but these beetles are not recommended as the live food item. The hard shells of beetles prevent the food digestion, also the soft parts can harm your bearded dragon.

Moreover, Japanese beetles can make the immune system of bearded dragon weak, that leads to impactions. Some other insects that are also harmful for Bearded Dragons include box elder beetles and fire flies. These insects are very toxic for Bearded Dragons and can kill them.

can bearded dragons eat Japanese beetles larvae?

The larvae of Japanese beetles is safe for Bearded Dragons to eat. These are relatively small in size and do not harm your bearded dragon’s health. They provide protein to your pet. 

What to do if a bearded dragon eats a Japanese beetle?

If your Bearded Dragon ingest a Japanese beetle it may be digest the soft parts of this beetle but its harder parts may cause impactions in the gut of beardie which can deprive them of fluids and nutrients. Impactions are fatal and harm your beardie or lead to death. It weakens the immune system of bearded dragons, causes spikes, loss of appetite, and lethargy. It can also cause weakness and loss of weight.

What other beetles that the bearded dragons can eat?

Super worm beetles

The super worm beetles are said to be safe for Bearded Dragons, but only as a treat. Excessive taking of super worm beetles can cause calcium deficiency and Metabolic Bone Disease, which can be fatal for the bearded dragons. It’s better that you should consult a vet before feeding any insect to your bearded dragon.

The baby bearded dragons can not eat any beetles as they have a very small mouth, and very delicate digestive system as compared to the adult Bearded Dragons. The possibility of the gut impaction will increase if your baby pet consume super worm.

Other insects that the bearded dragons can consume instead of Japanese beetles

Vegetables that are safe for Bearded Dragons 

Vegetables are very important part of bearded dragon’s diet. Following are the vegetables that your Bearded Dragons can eat. You can include these veggies in your beardie diet. 

Greens that are safe for bearded dragons

Beardies can also eat greens. Following are the greens that your Bearded dragon can eat in moderation.

  • Spring greens
  • Lambs lettuce
  • Kale
  • Floret mix 
  • Parsley
  • Collards
  • Dandelion greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens
  • Coriander
  • Watercress


Japanese beetles are native to Japan that are common pests in yards and harmful for plants. These beetles can not not be a regular portion of bearded dragon’s diet because of the chitin content present in the Japanese beetles. Chitin is present in the external skeletons of the insects that is indigestible for mostly reptiles.

According to some studies it is cleared that Japanese beetle is not suitable for Bearded Dragons as this Japanese beetles do not possess the needed amounts of carbohydrate, fiber and protein. Ordinary insects that should be used as food item for Bearded Dragons should be soft bodied and digestible.

Beetles (and some other hard-structured insects) are hard to digest that can cause impactions. It is much better for your Bearded Dragon if it sticks to insects that are soft-bodied like crickets, Dubia roaches, super worms, butter worms and mealworms. You can also give veggies to your Bearded Dragons that contain many nutrients and calcium. 

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