can bearded dragons eat grapes
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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes

Love to eat grapes and want to feed your favorite fruit with your pet? Thinking can bearded dragons eat grapes? Are grapes safe for the beardies? Should you feed them or not? The answer to all of these questions is simple.

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes but not daily. You can feed 1 or 2 grapes per week to your bearded dragon. Eating too many grapes can be harmful to bearded dragons. So be careful about the health of your bearded dragon while feeding grapes or any other fruit like this.

How often can bearded dragons eat grapes?

can bearded dragons eat grapes
can bearded dragons eat grapes?

A healthy bearded dragon can eat grapes one or two times a week. Feeding many grapes can be dangerous for your beardie. If your bearded dragon has health issues such as diabetes or other problems then you should avoid feeding grapes on weekly basis. Before feeding grapes, you should talk to your vet if your beardie has health problems. If your beardie is an adult then you can feed 2-3 grapes per week.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Grapes for Bearded Dragons

Grapes also have many benefits like other fruits such as strawberries, watermelons, cherries, blackberries, etc. But, it also has some side effects as well. You have to be very careful while feeding grapes to your pet. Here are the benefits and side effects of grapes for bearded dragons.

Benefits of Grapes for Bearded Dragons.

Grapes are a very good source of calcium and fiber. You also get a lot of nutrition from grapes. Here are some benefits of grapes.

Fiber-Rich Fruit: Grape is a fiber-rich fruit. Fiber is an important nutrient for the smooth digestion of bearded dragons. It helps a lot in the digestive system of bearded dragons.

Antioxidants: Grapes come with some antioxidants as well. Antioxidants are helpful for the skin of beardies. Antioxidants also prevent inflammation in beardies. It also lowers the risk of heart failure and heart diseases.

Potassium: Potassium is also available in grapes. Potassium helps to regulate the blood pressure of bearded dragons.

High Water: Grapes contain almost 60% water. Water is a great source of hydration for beardies. It is also beneficial for the kidneys of bearded dragons.

Disadvantages of Grapes for Bearded Dragons.

Grapes are a good source of fiber and other nutrients but also have some negative effects as well. Here are some risks of grapes for the beardies. Why should you avoid feeding grapes to beardies all the time? Here are some disadvantages of grapes for bearded dragons.

Oxalates: Grapes contain oxalates, it is an acid that binds with calcium and prevent calcium from being absorbed in the blood of bearded dragons. So, feeding many grapes can be very harmful to bearded dragons. It may lead to calcium deficiency because of oxalates. And in a result, your lizard can have Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD), which is very common in reptiles. So, you should avoid feeding many grapes to bearded dragons at once.

Phosphorus: Grape has a very bad calcium-phosphorus ratio. Phosphorus also behaves like oxalates. It also prevents calcium from being absorbed in the bloodstream of beardies. And can cause calcium deficiency so that’s why you should avoid feeding grapes to your bearded dragon. It can cause him serious bone diseases.

Sugar: Grapes contain a healthy amount of sugar, which is very harmful to your pet. Due to a lot of sugar content, your dragon may get diabetes or liver diseases. It can also cause heart failure to your bearded dragon. So, you should avoid overfeeding grapes to your pet. And be careful about the health of your pet.

Choking Hazard: Before feeding grapes, make sure you are feeding seedless grapes to your pet. If grapes contain seeds then it can be dangerous for your dragon. Seeds are choking hazards for beardies. And if a bearded dragon swallows the seeds of grapes then it can cause digestive issues to him. That’s why you should always choose seedless grapes for your beardie.

Overhydration and Dehydration: Grapes contain a lot of water, and feeding too many grapes can cause dehydration. Because a lot of water can cause diarrhea to your bearded dragon. And in a result, you will see dehydration. So always be within the limit while feeding grapes to your pet.

Nutritions of Grapes

One cup of red or green grapes weighing around 151 grams (g)

  • 104 kilocalories
  • 1.09 g of protein
  • 0.24 g of fat
  • 27.33 g of carbohydrate, of which 23.37 g is sugars
  • 1.4 g of fiber
  • 288 mg of potassium
  • 15 milligrams (mg) of calcium
  • 0.54 mg of iron
  • 11 mg of magnesium
  • 30 mg of phosphorus
  • 3 mg of sodium
  • 0.11 mg of zinc
  • 4.8 mg of vitamin C
  • 22 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K
  • 3 mcg of folate

Source: According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA),

How can Bearded Dragons eat grapes?

This is also a good question worth answering. How should you feed grapes to bearded dragons? Or what is the best way to feed grapes for beardies? Here is the answer to this question.

Choose Seedless Grapes: This is the first and very important step before feeding any grape to your dragon. First of all, you should choose seedless and fresh grapes for your beardie.

Wash and Clean Grapes: After choosing fresh and seedless grapes, wash and clean them completely. Make sure that no dust or other particles are available on the surface of grapes.

Cut grapes into small pieces: After cleaning and washing grapes cut them into small pieces and make sure that there is no seed available. Sometimes, seedless grapes also contain a seed. Cutting will help you to make 100% sure about seeds. After that cut them into small pieces that bearded dragons can easily eat.

Can Bearded Dragons eat Red, Purple and Green Grapes?

The answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat all types of grapes. In fact, red grapes are better than green grapes for beardies. But, you should be health conscious and feed the grapes according to your vet’s advice. Bearded dragons can eat 2-3 grapes per week of any color you want to feed them.

Can Bearded Dragons eat grape leaves?

If you are thinking about the leaves of grapes “Can bearded dragons eat Grape Leaves?” The answer is yes. Bearded dragons can eat grape leaves. In fact, the leaves of grapes have more nutrients than grapes. Leaves contain a lot of calcium, which is very important for beardies. You can feed grape leaves to your beardie as well.

Can Bearded Dragons have Grapes Juice?

Bearded dragons can eat grapes, but it is not a staple food for them and should be offered in small amounts as a treat. Grapes should be washed and cut into small pieces before being offered to the dragon. It is also important to note that grapes are high in sugar, so they should be fed in moderation and not as a regular part of their diet.

Regarding grapes juice, it’s not recommended to feed it to bearded dragons as it contains high amounts of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives. These ingredients are not healthy for bearded dragons and also it will not provide the necessary balance of nutrients that they need to maintain good health.

In summary, while bearded dragons can eat grapes as a treat, it should be offered in small amounts and not as a regular part of their diet. Grapes juice should not be fed to bearded dragons as it contains ingredients that are harmful to them and it will not provide the necessary balance of nutrients that they need to maintain good health.

How to feed grapes leaves to bearded dragons?

Feeding grape leaves is not that much difficult. First of all, you have to wash and clean the leaves from dust. After cleaning the leaves. Chop them into small pieces and feed them to your bearded dragon. Make sure that leaves are fresh and clean before feeding them to your pet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cotton Candy Grapes?

Bearded dragons can eat cotton candy grapes but it is not recommended to feed them cotton candy grapes as they are a sugar-rich diet and contain a lot of calories. Due to the high amount of sugar, bearded dragons may have diabetes and teeth issues. High calories may cause a high weight problem to your dragon.


Bearded dragons can eat grapes as a treat. You can feed them 2-3 grapes per week. Feeding too many grapes can be harmful to your bearded dragon. You have to be careful about the health of your bearded dragon while feeding grapes. Grapes contain a lot of sugar so if your bearded dragon has diabetes or heart issues then avoid feeding grapes or visit the vet first and then feed grapes to your pet.

Grapes contain a lot of nutrients so it is a good fruit for bearded dragons. But, it also has some side effects as well. Too many grapes can cause calcium deficiency in your pet that can cause Metabolic Bone Disease. Always be in the limit while feeding grapes to bearded dragons.

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