Can Bearded Dragons eat Beetles?
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Can Bearded Dragons eat Beetles?

Providing a  nutritious and varied diet is vital for the good health of the Bearded Dragon. The best insects to give Bearded Dragons possess good amounts of calcium, protein, and some other minerals. “Can Bearded Dragons eat Beetles?” Always feed the insects that supply the highest nutrients. Never feed a Bearded Dragon insect that is caught in the wild. When thinking about which food is good for your beardie, this question may come to your mind, “can Bearded Dragons eat beetles?”.

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Fact is, Bearded Dragons can eat beetles, but they are not the best choice for your bearded dragons for some reasons. Even, before transforming into beetles, in worm form the nutrients are not sufficient to sustain your bearded dragon. These are not for your bearded dragon because they are hard to consume, with a hard exterior, have limited benefits, and have content of fat in the larval form.

Some common Beetles

 There are many species of darkling beetle. Some common beetles are

  • Mealworm Beetles
  • Super worm Beetles

Mealworm and Mealworm beetles

If you want to give your Bearded dragon beetles, then mealworm beetles are recommended. These have a high content of protein and low content of fat. Bearded Dragons don’t seem to love them too much.

It looks like these Beetles have the taste that bearded dragons do not care for, and your Bearded Dragon will turn their nose up if these are offered anyhow. This is not the case in the larval form. The mealworms are tempting to Bearded Dragons. So tempting, they might become addicted to these mealworms.

Having high-fat content and low protein content, mealworms are not suggested for healthy Bearded Dragons at all. These are also not recommended for juveniles as they can not handle their hard exterior. They also cause obesity in your bearded dragon and become undernourished. I would stay away from these insects. You can offer it to your pet just as an occasional treat.

Super worms and Darkling beetles

Darkling Beetles are not dangerous for Bearded Dragons, but they have limited nutritional value, they definitely should not be a primary source of food for your pet. Your Bearded Dragon will love its taste and enjoy these Beetles, but in bondage, your Bearded Dragon does not get exercise to digest eating such fat treats that possess high fat. Obesity is a big problem in lizards. Same story with super worms, the darkling beetle in the larval stage.

They possess a high content of fat and low content of protein, but also contain a high level of phosphorous with a low calcium ratio. For a safe and healthy range, the calcium and phosphorus ratio must be 2:1. This ratio is not seen in mealworms or super worms beetles. Plus, the super worm can also harm your Bearded dragon physically.

Unlike Mealworms, super worms can bite, and possess a stinger on the back similar to a Scorpion stinger. It is harmless but can be aggressive, you should handle them with great care and also avoid feeding Baby bearded dragons. Juvenile Bearded Dragons, that have some experience in hunting the prey, and the adults can be fine but it is suggested to supervise.

What the bearded dragons can eat instead of Beetles?

Now that, we have cleared the confusion, can bearded dragons eat beetles, and discussed why they can not be the primary choice for your Bearded dragon; let’s discuss some other choices for your lizard that contain more nutritional value.

All insects are not created with equal nutritional contents. Insects like Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets, and ants are nutritious insects and are good choices for your Bearded Dragon than Beetles. Bearded Dragons are omnivores, which means that they can feed on both plant and animal-based foods (including insects). So, both of these can be part of the diet of your pet.

You should feed your pet a healthy variety of various food items. This includes insects and plants, (along with vegetables and fruits). Beetles are not included in the healthy food category for Bearded Dragons as they are difficult to digest and also provide little nutritional content. A good choice that is easier to digest, contains high protein content, and is perfect for your Bearded Dragon, is Dubia Roaches. These insects offer the same satisfying crunch, and hunting potential but have a much higher level of protein.

Can baby bearded dragons eat Beetles?

Now that you have got it we don’t suggest it for your adult Bearded Dragons, you may be thinking if this also goes for Baby Bearded Dragon? You can not feed beetles to your baby Bearded Dragon. The same reasons are applied for the baby beardie as we discussed for adult ones. Your baby Bearded dragon is more delicate than the adult, so beetles are not easy for them to digest.


Bearded dragons can eat Beetles. But, overall, beetles are not healthy for Bearded Dragons, so it is not recommended for bearded dragons. You can only offer them as an occasional treat.

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