Can Bearded Dragons Eat bananas
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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

For many fresher owners, the question “Can bearded dragons Eat Bananas?” is always on their minds when it comes to foodstuff and diet. It’s tasty and affordable food, so serving it to their dragon would be fairly accessible and suitable.This guide includes everything you want to know about feeding bananas to your bearded dragon. You’ll learn about the benefits, nutritional values, and the amount they can be fed, the harms of excessive amounts of bananas, and many more.

If you’re like many newer dragon owners, you’re probably curious if bananas are good for your bearded dragon or not. The answer to this question is yes, bearded dragons can eat bananas but in very few amounts. The bearded dragons can eat bananas, but they can not eat bananas all the time. They can only eat two or three times a month.

Related: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

Health benefits of bananas for dragons:

They’re a huge source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which play an important role in the entire health of your bearded dragon. These vitamins assist to prevent them from getting sick and also help in growth. The bananas also contain a significant amount of magnesium, calcium, and iron. These are important for reptiles, and bearded dragons.

Some key benefits:

Bananas are rich in nutrients. It contains many minerals. Bananas provide the following benefits to the dragon.

Minerals that contain iron, magnesium, and calcium, which make the tissues and bones strong.

Potassium: it prevents kidney problems, lowers water reservation, and assists the functioning of the muscle.

Vitamin A & C: These vitamins assist the vision, growth, reproduction, and immune system of a dragon.

Antioxidants: It decreases cholesterol levels and prevents heart problems.

The dose/amount of banana that the dragon can eat:

Beardies can eat only small doses such as a few pieces, it also depends upon the size of the dragon.

Why the dragon can not eat bananas regularly?

If the bearded dragons used to eat bananas regularly, it would kill or paralyze the dragon because the bananas have a large amount of phosphorus that is harmful to the dragon. As in bananas, the phosphorus to calcium ratio is 3:1, the fatal metabolic bone disease (MBD) can occur, it may cause severe pain or paralysis. Another is that bananas contain a lot of sugar when ripe. To have some sugar in a banana is fine but too much of it can cause health issues.

Also read: Are cherries safe for bearded dragons?

In which form the bearded dragons can eat bananas:

What’s the best way to feed bananas to your bearded dragon? Peeled or unpeeled? Whole or slices? There is not one way, it all depends upon what way works best for your bearded dragon. There are also some other ways to feed bananas to your bearded dragon.

Chased with peel:

Bearded dragons can eat the peel as well as the fruit.  You can cut the small pieces of banana with the peel and place these slices in your dragon’s food bowl alone or with some other fruits and vegetables in a colorful, healthy salad. Make sure you slice the peel into fairly small pieces since it can be harder for your dragon to chew.

 Chased without peel:

If you think your food is not organic, and you don’t want to take risks by feeding the dragon any pesticides that may be on the peels of bananas, you can simply cut the bananas into small pieces, and place these slices in front of the dragon.

Unsliced & without  pare:

Another way is to place half of an unpeeled banana in your bearded dragon’s cage for one day and make sure you never leave rotting food in the cage.

Can bearded dragons have bananas shake?

Bearded dragons should not have banana shakes as part of their diet. Banana shakes are typically made with milk or yogurt, which are not suitable for bearded dragons. They are also high in sugar, which can be harmful to bearded dragons in large amounts.

Can bearded dragons eat Frozen / Dried Bananas?

Frozen bananas are dangerous for pet bearded dragons because they are hard. Even if you cut these into very small pieces, they will still be very heavy and can become a serious suffocating hazard. On the other hand, dried bananas have high amounts of sugar that lead to serious health complications.

1. The right way to prepare bananas for your bearded dragon: 

While preparing bananas for a bearded dragon, there are a few important steps that should be taken. Take time to properly choose the banana, wash it and serve it in the most pleasant way. Make Sure the banana is healthy. Few things you need to do when choosing the faultless banana for your bearded dragon. First, we recommend going with organic bananas. As the peels of non-organic bananas mostly contain high levels of herbicides and pesticides.

Organic bananas are important if you are going to give the peels to your bearded dragon. Next, you’ll choose a banana that is neither very green nor too ripe. In more ripe bananas the sugar level is high. As you should know, too much sugar (even natural sugar) is not suitable for your dragon. On the other hand, a very green banana can cause stomach problems.

2. Cut It Into Small Pieces

 you should only give your bearded dragon small pieces. Some dragon owners put a whole, peeled banana into the cage, but this is not a good idea.

3. Serve it to your bearded dragon!

Place the banana pieces in a bowl. And mix the banana small pieces with their vegetables. In this way, the dragon also eats other foods with bananas. What should one be concerned about while feeding bananas to the bearded dragon? You should keep in mind that feeding your dragon bananas is a sign of metabolic bone disease.  

  • Weakness and exhaustion
  • Diminutive growth
  • Paralysis
  • Inflated rear legs
  • Shaking limbs 
  • Softening jaw and face bones.

If your dragon takes bananas one or two times a month, you shouldn’t have to worry about any of these symptoms. Don’t give fish or seafood to your dragon. There is a long list of wild plants that are harmful to bearded dragons. Here are a few plants that are more common in the UK: bracken fern, daffodil, chestnut, crocus, horse, holly, oak, buttercup, and poppy. If you aren’t 100% sure it’s safe for your dragon, don’t give it to them.

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