Bearded Dragons Information & Facts
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Bearded Dragons Information & Facts

If you’re considering a reptile as a pet, a bearded dragon could be an excellent selection. These captivating creatures are easily manageable, possess an amiable nature, and demand minimal care. Within this article, you will find a wealth of “Bearded Dragons Information & Facts” thoughtfully presented to aid you in assessing whether they align with your ideal pet choice.

What are bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons are a kind of lizard endemic to Australia. They are members of the Agamidae family and may grow to be 2 feet long. They’re dubbed “bearded” dragons because they have a spiky “beard” of skin beneath their chin that puffs up when they’re threatened.

Related: Bearded Dragons Types: A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types of Bearded Dragons

Different types of bearded dragons

Bearded dragons come in a variety of species, each with its own set of traits. The three most frequent varieties of bearded dragons are the Eastern bearded dragon, the Inland bearded dragon, and the Rankin’s dragon. One of the most common varieties of bearded dragons is the Eastern bearded dragon, commonly known as the Pogona barbata. They are located in eastern and southeastern Australia and are recognised for their kind nature.

Eastern bearded dragons have a large, triangular head and can reach a length of 2 feet. They are available in a variety of colours, including brown, tan, and grey, and have a spiky look on their back and tail. Pogona vitticeps, or inland bearded dragons, are endemic to the dry areas of central Australia. They are smaller than the Eastern bearded dragon, reaching up to 18 inches in length. They have a rounder head and a shorter tail and come in a range of colours such as beige, grey, and brown.

Rankin’s dragon, also known as Pogona henry lawson, is a smaller species of bearded dragon native to Australia’s northwest. They are also known as pygmy bearded dragons due to their small size (up to 10 inches). When compared to other varieties of bearded dragons, Rankin’s dragons are less typically maintained as pets. They have a shorter head, a rounder body, and a white or cream-colored stripe along their back.

Other bearded dragons that are less frequent include the Western bearded dragon, Nullarbor bearded dragon, and Black soil bearded dragon. Each species has distinct features, such as size, colour, and disposition. It is essential to research the individual needs and requirements of the type of bearded dragon you are contemplating as a pet in order to give the best care possible.

Bearded Dragon’s Housing Requirements

Bearded dragons are popular pets that must be housed properly to maintain their health and well-being. Here are some crucial elements to consider while putting up bearded dragon housing:

  • Tank Size: Bearded dragons require a lot of area to move about, so make sure you have a big enough tank for them. The minimum recommended tank size for an adult bearded dragon is 40 gallons. A 75-gallon tank, on the other hand, is more appropriate since it gives your pet plenty of room to walk about.
  • Lighting: To flourish, bearded dragons require both UVB and UVA light. UVB aids in the metabolization of calcium, which is necessary for proper bone formation. UVA gives them the heat they require to maintain their body temperature. It is critical to have a full-spectrum UVB lamp that emits the optimum wavelengths to fulfil the demands of your bearded dragon. To imitate their normal day and night cycle, the lights should be on for 12-14 hours a day and turned out at night.
  • Temperature: Bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles who require a temperature gradient in their environment. The temperature in the basking section should be between 100 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit, while the temperature in the colder half of the tank should be between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to use thermometer to check the temperature and ensure that it remains within the proper range.
  • Substrate: The substrate is the substance that lines the tank’s bottom. It is critical to select a substrate that is both safe for your bearded dragon and simple to clean. Reptile carpets, paper towels, and tile are examples of safe substrates.
  • Decor: In their tank, bearded dragons appreciate having hiding places and items to climb on. Adding pebbles, branches, and plants may offer a fascinating and engaging environment for them.
  • Cleaning: Bearded dragons create a lot of waste, so keeping their tank clean is critical to preventing the spread of germs and other hazardous microbes. It is advised that their tank be cleaned once a week to remove any uneaten food, feces, and trash.

Diet and feeding of Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles that require a well-balanced diet to thrive. Here are some important factors to consider when feeding your bearded dragon:

  • Insects: Insects are a good source of protein for bearded dragons. Crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches are also suitable options. Bearded dragons appreciate diversity, thus offering a range of insects is suggested to give them with a varied diet. Before giving the insects to your bearded dragon, they must be gut-loaded with nutrient-rich meals.
  • Vegetables: Bearded dragons need plenty of vegetables in order to get the vitamins and minerals they need. Collard greens, mustard greens, kale, squash, and carrots are all acceptable choices. To create a well-balanced diet, the veggies must be chopped into small pieces and mixed together.
  • Fruits: Fruit is enjoyed by bearded dragons, however it should be fed in moderation because to its high sugar content. Apples, strawberries, and blueberries are all terrific choices.
  • Calcium and Vitamin Supplements: Calcium is required for bearded dragons to ensure proper bone growth. Before feeding them, it is critical to sprinkle their food with a calcium supplement. They also require vitamin supplements, notably vitamin D3, which is required for calcium absorption.
  • Feeding Schedule: Adult bearded dragons can be fed once a day, but young bearded dragons should be fed twice a day. To avoid the formation of hazardous germs, all uneaten food must be removed.
  • Water: Bearded dragons must always have access to fresh, clean water. It’s best to provide them a small dish of water, but keep in mind that they may drink from different places beside their tank.

Temperament and handling of Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are well-known for their calm demeanour, making them an ideal pet for families with children. To keep them docile and socialised, they must be handled carefully and on a frequent basis.

Health concerns of Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons, like any other pet, can have health issues. Metabolic bone disease, respiratory infections, and parasites are the most prevalent problems. It is important to have a veterinarian that specialises in reptiles do frequent exams on your bearded dragon to guarantee its health.

Breeding and reproduction of Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragon breeding necessitates considerable planning and preparation. It is critical to ensure that the male and female are compatible, and that the female is in good enough health to carry and produce eggs. Throughout the breeding phase, proper temperature and humidity levels must be maintained.

Lifespan and care of Bearded Dragons

In captivity, bearded dragons have an average lifetime of 10-15 years, but with good care, they may live up to 20 years. Regular tank cleaning, correct diet, and regular visits to a reptile doctor are all necessary to maintain your bearded dragon healthy and happy.

Legal Requirements of Bearded Dragons

Before purchasing a bearded dragon, check with your local authorities to discover if they are allowed to possess in your region. A permission may be required in some areas to keep a bearded dragon as a pet.


In conclusion, bearded dragons are intriguing and amiable creatures who make good pets. They take little care, have a calm disposition, and may live for up to 20 years if properly cared for. If you’re thinking about obtaining a bearded dragon, it’s crucial to understand their specific demands and requirements so you can provide them the best care possible.

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