Bearded Dragon vs Iguana
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Bearded Dragon vs Iguana

If you’re considering having a pet lizard, you may be wondering which kind to acquire. ‘Bearded dragon vs Iguana’ are two common choices. Both are intriguing reptiles with distinct traits, but they also differ significantly. We’ll compare and contrast ‘Bearded Dragon vs Iguana’ in this post to help you determine which is the ideal pet for you.

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Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Appearance

Bearded dragons are distinguished by their triangular head, flat body, and spiky beard. They appear in a variety of colors, including brown, yellow, and red, and may grow to be up to 24 inches long. Iguanas, on the other hand, have slim bodies, long tails, and spine crests on their back. They may grow to be up to six feet long and are generally green or brown.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Temperament

Bearded dragons are recognized for being calm and amiable, making them ideal pets for first lizard owners. They like interacting with people and can even recognize their owners. Iguanas, on the other hand, are more self-sufficient and can be violent if confronted. If they are unhappy, they may bite, scratch, or whip their tail.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Diet

Bearded dragons are omnivorous, which means they consume both plants and animals. Insects like crickets and mealworms, as well as vegetables, fruits, and greens, make up their diet. Iguanas are herbivores, which means they eat solely plants. They eat mostly leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Housing

Bearded dragons and iguanas both require large cages to live happily. Bearded dragons require a terrarium of at least 40 gallons in size, whilst iguanas require a considerably bigger habitat of at least 120 gallons. To replicate natural sunshine, both require a heat source, such as a basking lamp, and a UVB light.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Lifespan

Bearded dragons have an average lifespan of 8-12 years, while iguanas can live up to 20 years or more with proper care.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Activity level

During the day, bearded dragons are busy and love sunbathing beneath their heat lamp. They also like exploring their environment and climbing on rocks or trees. Iguanas are also active throughout the day, preferring to climb trees and bask in the sun.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Size

Bearded dragons are smaller than iguanas, making them a more manageable pet. They are also easier to handle due to their docile nature.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Handling

Bearded dragons are often kind and like being held. They can even fall asleep in the arms of their owners. Iguanas, on the other hand, might be more difficult to handle owing to their size and aggressive nature.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Price

Bearded dragons are generally more affordable than iguanas. A bearded dragon can cost around $50-$100, while an iguana can cost up to $500.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Maintenance

Bearded dragons and iguanas both require routine care, such as cleaning their enclosures and providing new food and water on a daily basis. Bearded dragons may demand extra attention because they must be fed insects on a daily basis.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Health concerns

If not properly cared for, both bearded dragons and iguanas can suffer health issues. Bearded dragons commonly suffer from metabolic bone disease and respiratory infections. Iguanas can have metabolic bone disease as well as intestinal issues.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Adaptability

Bearded dragons are adaptable to a variety of habitats, making them ideal companions for people who travel frequently. When relocated, iguanas may not be as adaptive and may endure stress.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Noise level

Bearded dragons are relatively quiet pets, making them suitable for apartment living. Iguanas, on the other hand, can make a lot of noise, especially during the breeding season.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Lifespan in Captivity

Bearded dragons and iguanas can both live long lives in captivity if properly cared for. However, bearded dragons tend to have a higher survival rate in captivity compared to iguanas.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Socialization

Bearded dragons are social creatures and can be kept in pairs or groups. Iguanas, on the other hand, are solitary animals and may not get along with other iguanas.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Habitat requirements

Bearded dragons are native to Australia and require a dry and warm environment. Iguanas are native to Central and South America and require a humid environment.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Training

Bearded dragons can be trained to do simple tricks, such as coming when called or jumping on command. Iguanas are not as easily trained and may require more patience and effort.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Intelligence

Bearded dragons are intelligent animals and can recognize their owners and respond to their voices. Iguanas are also intelligent, but they are more independent and less likely to form a strong bonds with their owner.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Shedding

Both bearded dragons and iguanas shed their skin regularly. However, bearded dragons shed more frequently and in smaller pieces, while iguanas shed in larger pieces.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Pet-friendly

Because of their amiable demeanor and simplicity of care, bearded dragons are popular pets for children and families. Because of their aggressive nature, iguanas may not be suited for homes with small children.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Health risks

Salmonella bacterium, which can cause serious sickness in humans, can be found in bearded dragons and iguanas. To avoid the spread of Salmonella, pet owners should wash their hands after handling their pet and clean its cage on a regular basis.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Cage decor

Bearded dragons love climbing on and hiding behind objects in their cage, such as rocks and logs. Iguanas, like humans, require something to climb on, such as branches, and a greater place to move around in.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Gender differences

Male bearded dragons have thicker beards and can be aggressive during the breeding season. During the mating season, male iguanas become territorial and may turn violent toward people.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Vocalization

Bearded dragons can make a range of vocalizations, including hissing, chirping, and barking. Iguanas are not as vocal and mainly communicate through body language.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Cleaning requirements

Bearded dragons require regular spot cleaning and a complete cleaning every several months. Because of their bigger size and higher humidity needs, iguanas require more regular cleaning.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Maturity age

Bearded dragons reach sexual maturity at around 18 months, while iguanas can take up to three years to reach sexual maturity.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Sleep patterns

Bearded dragons need 12-14 hours of sleep every day and might become anxious if their sleep pattern is interrupted. Iguanas need around 10 hours of sleep every day and can sleep for long lengths of time.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Lifespan in the Wild

Bearded dragons have a shorter lifespan in the wild compared to iguanas, due to factors such as predation and habitat loss. Iguanas can live up to 25 years in the wild.

Bearded Dragon vs Iguana: Considerations for first-time owners

Due to their docile demeanor and ease of maintenance, bearded dragons are often seen as a more manageable pet for first-time owners, whereas iguanas may necessitate more knowledge and competence in reptile care.

Personal tastes, lifestyle, and available resources should all be considered when deciding between a bearded dragon and an iguana as a pet. Bearded dragons and iguanas may also make excellent pets for reptile aficionados with adequate care and attention.


To summarise, while both bearded dragons and iguanas are popular reptile pets, there are numerous important differences between the two that prospective owners should be aware of. Bearded dragons are more placid, simple to care for, and ideal for families with children.

Iguanas, on the other hand, are bigger, more aggressive, and need more specialized care, making them a better choice for experienced reptile keepers. Before deciding which species to bring home, it is critical to investigate and understand the individual demands and behaviors of each species.

Bearded dragons and iguanas may both be satisfying and intriguing pets for people who are committed to maintaining a healthy and exciting environment for their reptile friends.

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