Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink
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Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink

If you’re thinking about obtaining a reptile as a pet, you’ve probably heard about bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks. Both are wonderful pets, but there are several key distinctions between them that you should be aware of before making your choice. In this post, we’ll compare bearded dragons with blue tongue skinks in a variety of categories to help you determine which one is best for you.

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Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Appearance

Bearded dragons have a striking appearance, with spiky scales surrounding their heads resembling a beard, therefore the name. They are usually tan or light brown in color with darker patterns. Blue tongue skinks, on the other hand, have smooth scales and may be found in a variety of colors such as blue, orange, and brown.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Size

Bearded dragons are bigger than blue tongue skinks, with mature lengths ranging from 18 to 24 inches (including the tail). Females are somewhat smaller than males and can weigh between 350 and 600 grams. Bearded dragons are medium-sized lizards with stocky, muscular bodies.

Blue tongue skinks, on the other hand, are generally smaller than bearded dragons, measuring 16 to 24 inches in length including the tail. Females are somewhat smaller than males and can weigh between 300 and 600 grams. Blue tongued skinks are tiny to medium-sized lizards with an extended body form.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Lifespan

Bearded dragons may live in captivity for 10 to 15 years, with some individuals lasting up to 20 years with good care. Diet, shelter, temperature, and genetics are all factors that can affect a bearded dragon’s longevity.

Blue tongue skinks have a comparable lifetime as bearded dragons, generally surviving 10 to 20 years in captivity. Blue tongue skinks, like bearded dragons, have a lifetime that is influenced by nutrition, housing, temperature, and genetics.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Diet

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they consume both plants and animals. In captivity, their food should consist of insects and vegetables. Crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms are common insect possibilities, while leafy greens like kale, collard greens, and mustard greens, as well as squash, carrots, and bell peppers, are common vegetable options. Fruits should be served as snacks in moderation because they are heavy in sugar.

Blue tongued skinks are also omnivores, however, their diet differs somewhat from that of bearded dragons. They need a combination of insects, fruits, and vegetables. Crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms are common insect possibilities, while leafy greens like kale, collard greens, and dandelion greens, as well as sweet potatoes and squash, are common vegetable options. Fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries, and bananas, should be served in moderation as well.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Housing

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks require a fairly large enclosure. A 40-gallon tank is usually sufficient for one adult bearded dragon, while a 75-gallon tank is recommended for one adult blue tongue skink.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Lighting

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks require UVB lighting to help them produce vitamin D3, which is essential for their health.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Heating

Bearded dragons require a basking spot in their enclosure that reaches temperatures of around 100-110°F, while the cooler side of their enclosure should be around 75-85°F. Blue tongue skinks require a basking spot that reaches temperatures of around 100°F and a cooler side that’s around 75-80°F.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Humidity

Bearded dragons require a fairly dry environment, with a humidity level of around 30-40%. Blue tongue skinks require slightly higher humidity levels, around 40-50%.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Temperament

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks can be very docile and make great pets, but individual personalities can vary. Bearded dragons are generally more active and enjoy being handled, while blue tongue skinks are more laid-back and may not enjoy being handled as much.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Price

Bearded dragons are typically more expensive than blue tongue skinks, with prices ranging from $50 to $500 depending on the age, morph, and breeder. Blue tongue skinks typically cost between $150 and $500.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Care Level

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks require a moderate level of care, including regular feeding and maintenance of their enclosure.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Common health issues

Bearded dragons can be prone to metabolic bone disease, respiratory infections, and parasitic infections. Blue tongue skinks can be prone to respiratory infections and skin infections.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Activity level

Bearded dragons are more active during the day, while blue tongue skinks are primarily active at night.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Handling

Bearded dragons are generally easier to handle due to their more active nature, while blue tongue skinks may be more difficult to handle due to their tendency to be more lethargic.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Noise level

Neither bearded dragons nor blue tongue skinks are particularly noisy pets.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Compatibility with other pets

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks are solitary animals and should not be housed with other pets. However, they can coexist peacefully with other reptiles of the same species in a larger enclosure.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Lifespan

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks can live up to 20 years in captivity, so they are a long-term commitment.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Maintenance

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks require regular cleaning of their enclosure, as well as food and water replenishment. Bearded dragons require more maintenance due to their active nature and larger size.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Shedding

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks shed their skin periodically. Bearded dragons shed more frequently and may require extra attention during this process to ensure a smooth shed.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Activity level

Bearded dragons are known for their active and curious personalities, while blue tongue skinks are more relaxed and slow-moving.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Taming

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks can be tamed with regular handling and interaction. Bearded dragons may be easier to tame due to their social nature.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Children

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks can make great pets for children, as long as they are supervised during handling and interaction.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Availability

Bearded dragons are more commonly found in pet stores and from breeders, while blue tongue skinks may be harder to find and may require more specialized care.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Legal Restrictions

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks may be subject to legal restrictions in certain states or countries. It’s important to research local laws and regulations before getting a reptile as a pet.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Social media presence

Bearded dragons have a large social media following, with many owners sharing photos and videos of their pets online. Blue tongue skinks are less popular on social media but still have a dedicated fan base.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Training

Bearded dragons can be trained to recognize their owners and perform simple tricks, while blue tongue skinks may be more difficult to train due to their more laid-back nature.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Health concerns

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks can be prone to health issues such as respiratory infections, parasitic infections, and metabolic bone disease. Regular veterinary check-ups are important for both species.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Cost of care

Both bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks require specialized diets, enclosures, and lighting, which can add up in cost over time. Be sure to budget accordingly before getting a reptile as a pet.

Bearded Dragon vs Blue Tongue Skink: Personal preference

Ultimately, the decision between a bearded dragon and a blue tongue skink as a pet may come down to personal preference. Consider your lifestyle, budget, and experience with reptiles before making a decision.


Finally, bearded dragons and blue tongue skinks are excellent pets for reptile aficionados. While they have certain care requirements in common, they also have significant disparities in temperament, size, and availability. The best pet for you will be determined by your particular tastes, lifestyle, and previous experience with reptiles.

Bearded dragons and blue tongue skink both demand a long-term commitment and specialized care, including frequent cleaning and maintenance, a specific diet, and proper enclosure and illumination. Furthermore, both species may be subject to legal limitations in some states or countries, so it is critical to understand local rules and regulations before purchasing a reptile as a pet.

Finally, choosing between a bearded dragon and a blue tongue skink as a pet requires a thorough evaluation of all criteria. When properly cared for, these pets may give years of friendship and delight, whether you select a bearded dragon for its energetic and curious nature or a blue tongue skink for its relaxed and slow-moving demeanor.

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